WildMed Etrier

Wilderness Medicine Reference App is excited to be featured in Wild Snow’s January 28, 2022 edition.


“There are occasions when emergency preparedness can tip the scales of luck a bit more in your favor. There are timeworn ways to do this: find great mentors, seek expertise, take classes, things like pursuing a Wilderness First Responder, which is no small investment in money and time,” author, Jason Albert says.

“Recently, I became aware of an app that tips those scales of luck in your favor when it hits the fan. The Wilderness Medicine Reference App is intuitive and once familiar with the app’s layout, it is easy to scroll through to the relevant information.”

“Don’t expect a wilderness medical textbook tome, but for an in-the-field substitute, this app is golden. This digital gem may stack the odds on your favor with an eye towards lightweight, as in your not likely to carry that wilderness medical emergency book mentioned above.”

WildMed Etrier and the Wilderness Medicine Reference App are honored to included in and support Wild Snow.

Download the Wilderness Medicine Reference App on Google Play or the Apple App Store.


The Avalanche Review


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